XDV Universal Wallet

Web based wallet useful for EVM, Cosmos, Polkadot or DID implementations


npm i xdv-universal-wallet-core


  • RxDB storage with encryption enabled

  • DID and IPLD ready

  • Supports ES256K, Ed25519 and RS256

  • Aggregation signatures - BLS


  1. This repository uses NPM Workspaces.

  2. On the root path, install all modules: npm install

  3. To compile a new version of the Core Module: npm run build --workspace core

  4. To run the NextJS frontend: npm run dev --workspace frontend

  5. To run tests on all modules: npm run test

  6. To build a production version of the NextJS frontend: npm run build --workspace frontend


    import { Wallet } from "xdv-universal-wallet-core";

    const did = await Wallet.create3IDEd25519({
      passphrase: 'abcdef123456',

    const ipfsManager = new IPFSManager(did.did)
    await ipfsManager.start()

    const fil = Buffer.from('fffffffffffffffffffffff')
    // auth
    await did.did.authenticate()
    const cid = await ipfsManager.addSignedObject(fil, {
      name: 'UnitTest.txt',
      contentType: 'text/text',
      lastModified: new Date(),

    const res = await ipfsManager.getObject(cid)



BLS Signatures (aggregation)

async aggregateSign(options: any, message: Uint8Array)

Signs message with a selected wallet id


  • options.walletid: A wallet id, set it to load a previously created wallet, otherwise leave empty

  • messsage: Uint8Array data to sign

Returns a Promise<Uint8Array>

async getBlsPublicKey(options: any)

Gets public key with a selected wallet id


  • options.walletid: A wallet id, set it to load a previously created wallet, otherwise leave empty

Returns a Uint8Array

async verifyAggregatedPubkeys(signatures: any[], message: any, publicKeys: any[])

Verifies aggregated signatures, one message signed by many

Returns a Promise<Uint8Array>

async verifyBatch(signatures: any[], messages: any[], publicKeys: any[])

Verifies aggregated signatures, many messages signed by many

Returns a Promise<Uint8Array>

Crypto suites

static async createES256K(options: any)

Creates an ES256K universal wallet


  • passphrase: Passphrase

  • walletid: A wallet id, set it to load a previously created wallet, otherwise leave empty

  • rpcUrl: An EVM Compatible chain (Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, etc)

  • registry: Contract address for EVM compatible ethr-did registry

Returns a XDVUniversalProvider

  • did: A DID object from 3ID library. Allows to authenticate and sign with IPLD

  • secureMesssage: Uses EthCrypto for encrypting and decrypting

  • publicKey: A public key as an array like

  • issuer: A DID object for issue signers

  • web3: Web3 instance used by DApps

  • id: A wallet id

  • address: Wallet address

static async createEd25519(options: any)

Creates an Ed25519 universal wallet with DID Key as result.

Note: Signing only, support for X25519 will be added later


  • passphrase: Passphrase

  • walletid: A wallet id, set it to load a previously created wallet, otherwise leave empty

Returns a XDVUniversalProvider

  • did: A DID object from 3ID library. Allows to authenticate and sign with IPLD

  • publicKey: A public key as an array like

  • getIssuer: A DID object for issue signers

  • privateKey: A private key as an array like

static async createWeb3Provider(options: any)

Creates a Web3 provider


  • passphrase: Passphrase

  • walletid: A wallet id, set it to load a previously created wallet, otherwise leave empty

  • rpcUrl: An EVM Compatible chain (Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, etc)

  • registry: Contract address for EVM compatible ethr-did registry

Returns a XDVUniversalProvider

  • secureMesssage: Uses EthCrypto for encrypting and decrypting

  • publicKey: A public key as an array like

  • web3: Web3 instance used by DApps

  • address: Wallet address

Use Cases and Implementations

How to create, import and open a wallet

   * Creates a wallet account
   * @param accountName Account name
   * @param passphrase Passphrase
  async createAccount(accountName: string, passphrase: string) {
  // Set isWeb for browser usage
    const xdvWallet = new Wallet({ isWeb: true })

    // Unlocks wallet
    await xdvWallet.open(accountName, passphrase)

   * Creates a wallet
   * @param accountName Account name
   * @param passphrase Passphrase
   * @returns
  async createWallet(accountName: string, passphrase: string) {
    const xdvWallet = new Wallet({ isWeb: true })
    await xdvWallet.open(accountName, passphrase)

    // Gets account, if null, user needs to enroll
    const acct = (await xdvWallet.getAccount()) as any
    let walletId

    if (acct.keystores.length === 0) {
      // Adds a wallet. 
      walletId = await xdvWallet.addWallet()
    } else {
      // Gets first wallet 
      walletId = acct.keystores[0].walletId

    // Creates a wallet based on crypto suite
    const wallet = await xdvWallet.createEd25519({
      passphrase: passphrase,
      walletId: walletId,

    return wallet as any

   * Imports an existing seed phrase
   * @param accountName Account name
   * @param passphrase Passphrase
   * @param mnemonic Seed phrase
   * @returns
  async importWallet(
    accountName: string,
    passphrase: string,
    mnemonic: string,
  ) {
    const xdvWallet = new Wallet({ isWeb: true })
    await xdvWallet.open(accountName, passphrase)

    const acct = (await xdvWallet.getAccount()) as any

    if (acct.keystores.length > 0) {
      // already imported
      return xdvWallet

    // Import wallet using existing mnemonic
    const walletId = await xdvWallet.addWallet({

    const wallet = await xdvWallet.createEd25519({
      passphrase: passphrase,
      walletId: walletId,

    return wallet as any

How to encrypt between two parties

// Obtain a previously created account
let acct = await wallet.getAccount()

// add Alice and Bob wallets with auto generated mnemonic
const walletAId = await wallet.addWallet()
const walletBId = await wallet.addWallet()

// create DIDs
const did = await wallet.createEd25519({
  walletId: walletAId
const didBob = await wallet.createEd25519({
  walletId: walletBId

// create Alice IPLD Manager
const ipfsManager = new IPLDManager(did.did)
await ipfsManager.start()

// Authenticate with DID
await did.did.authenticate()
await didBob.did.authenticate()

// Alice encrypts, and both Alice and Bob can decrypt
const enc = await ipfsManager.encryptObject('Hola Mundo !!!', [

// Bob DID decrypts content
const res = await ipfsManager.decryptObject(didBob.did, enc.toString(), {})
expect(res.cleartext).toEqual('Hola Mundo !!!')

Cosmos SDK - Starport Wallet


import { DirectSecp256k1HdWallet, Registry } from '@cosmjs/proto-signing'
import { defaultRegistryTypes, SigningStargateClient, StargateClient } from '@cosmjs/stargate'

import { KeystoreDbModel, Wallet } from 'xdv-universal-wallet-core'
import { Tendermint34Client } from '@cosmjs/tendermint-rpc'
import * as xdvnode from './xdvnode'
import * as bank from './bank'

export class XDVNodeProvider {
  registry: Registry
  wallet: Wallet
   * Register Msg imports
  constructor() {
    this.wallet = new Wallet({ isWeb: false })


   * Creates a wallet account
   * @param accountName Account name
   * @param passphrase Passphrase
  async createAccount(accountName: string, passphrase: string) {
    await this.wallet.open(accountName, passphrase)
    await this.wallet.enrollAccount({


   * Creates a wallet
   * @param accountName Account name
   * @param passphrase Passphrase
   * @returns
  async createWallet(accountName: string, passphrase: string) {
    await this.wallet.open(accountName, passphrase)

    const acct = (await this.wallet.getAccount()) as any
    let walletId

    if (acct.keystores.length === 0) {
      walletId = await this.wallet.addWallet()
    } else {
      walletId = acct.keystores[0].walletId

    const wallet = await this.wallet.createEd25519({
      passphrase: passphrase,
      walletId: walletId,

    return wallet as any

   * Imports an existing seed phrase
   * @param accountName Account name
   * @param passphrase Passphrase
   * @param mnemonic Seed phrase
   * @returns
  async importWallet(
    accountName: string,
    passphrase: string,
    mnemonic: string,
  ) {
    await this.wallet.open(accountName, passphrase)

    const acct = (await this.wallet.getAccount()) as any

    if (acct.keystores.length > 0) {
      // already imported
      return this.wallet

    const walletId = await this.wallet.addWallet({

    const wallet = await this.wallet.createEd25519({
      passphrase: passphrase,
      walletId: walletId,

    return wallet as any

  async createOrLoadXDVProvider(accountName: string, passphrase: string) {
    const acct = (await this.wallet.getAccount()) as any
    let walletId = ''
    if (acct.keystores.length === 0) {
      walletId = await this.wallet.addWallet({
        mnemonic: process.env.ALICE_M,
    } else {
      walletId = acct.keystores[0].walletId

    const keystore = await acct.keystores.find(
      (k: KeystoreDbModel) => k.walletId === walletId,

    const signer = await DirectSecp256k1HdWallet.fromMnemonic(
      { prefix: 'xdv' },

    return { 
      bank: await bank.txClient(
      xdvnode: await xdvnode.txClient(

Copyright Industrias de Firmas Electronicas SA and contributors 2020, 2021

Last updated