Use Cases

Remote Signing (Server Side Signing)

A remote signer is possible by connecting the smart card hardware to a Linux OS, in desktop mode, to be able to install drivers and start SafeSign client.

Some changes must be done to get a complete Remote Signing like database integration to handle requests, more asynchronous code, cache, and managing REST / WebSockets configuration and security.

Benefits of implementing Remote Signing includes saving costs on hardware adquisition and that by having a 2nd layer of identity (eg DID), you could sign on behalf

Desktop Signing

This is the default as is open source reference implementation.

Android Signing (requires hardware)

An Android Java client requires a BLE or a Smart Card hardware addon, plus a Mobile Wallet development to store any additional keys. This is ultimate solution for business users, feel free to reach for further information.

Mass Detached Document Verification

Organizations like courts, banks, insurance firms might need to verify a huge amount of files and documents which contain digital signatures. Our open source solution supports verification for detached digital signatures and can be serviced as an unattended server based solution. Feel free to reach for further information.

Last updated